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Volume:1 Issue: 5 June 2003

Obituary: Gregory Peck

A story featuring Gregory Peck appeared in the last issue of this e-magazine. However, almost uniquely among the many people we have pointed our poisoned pens at he was not mocked or satirised. After all, how could we? Unlike many people who have lived long lives in the public eye, Mr Peck was a man of great integrity, someone who commanded respect.

In an age when most Hollywood stars bring little more than a cosmetically enhanced smile or bulbous biceps to their role, Peck offered grace, dignity and a steely determination. In films such as ‘The Guns of Navarone’ he portrayed the leader of a small troop of commandos sent on what could almost be described as a suicide mission.

Despite the difficult task at hand and the strong wills and egos of the soldiers under him, Peck’s Capt. Keith Mallory won the respect of his men and prevailed. There are a few leaders in today’s world who would do well to put down their copies of Machiavelli’s ‘The Prince’ and slot a copy of this film into their DVD for inspiration.

Of course, Gregory Peck is most fondly remembered for his exquisite performance as Atticus Finch in ‘To Kill a Mocking Bird’. Playing a small town lawyer who defends a black man charged with raping a white girl, much to the chagrin of bigoted locals, Peck’s belief in justice and good once again shone through.

In June 2003, Atticus Finch was named the greatest movie hero in a poll conducted by the American Film Institute.

Gregory Peck was equally at home playing villains, such as chilling Nazi ‘Angel of Death’ Dr Josef Mengele in the Boys From Brazil; he could turn his hand to light comedy, as he did to great effect in Roman Holiday; or the intimidating and insane Captain Ahab in Moby Dick.

In all performances, of which the above is just a small reminder, Gregory Peck distinguished himself, as he did in his private life. A humanitarian, he is remembered by friends, colleagues and casual acquaintances as being a modest kind and thoughtful man.

At the age of 87, Gregory Peck has died too soon.



May 2003

Gregory Peck to be Next US President


By Solomon Pepper




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