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Volume:1 Issue: 5 June 2003

Obituary: Sir Angus Friscot-Dervine

Sir Angus Friscot-Dervine, the first man to push a piano up K2, has died attempting to recreate his dramatic achievement half a century on. It is believed that Sir Angus slipped just six foot off the peak, and was slain when both he and his Steinway Grand Piano plunged into a gully.

Sir Angus made the inside back pages of many newspapers in the summer of 1953, when just two weeks after Sir Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tenzing Norgay reached the summit of Everest. Far from feeling aggrieved at having to play second fiddle to his illustrious colleagues, Sir Angus applauded their achievements as ‘almost as fantastic as my own.

The Scottish-born explorer, who also was the first person to catapult himself across the Atlantic and to cross Antarctica wearing only ski shoes, was 98.

Sir Angus is survived by his pregnant wife, Prunella, 22, and an estimated 37 children.


Explorer Factoids


10 Facts about Explorers and Expeditions*


  • Chad has more grains of sand to a square mile than any other African nation.
  • In 1998 Transpco installed the first conveyor belt linking Canada with the North Pole. Since 2002, an estimated 100,000 explorers have utilised this facility
  • The words traveller, tourist, twat and explorer are interchangeable.
  • Since its discovery in 1846 no explorer has set foot in the Bronx.
  • The Everest Summit Gift Shop has sold over half a million national flags and roles of camera film since 1968.
  • A total of 50,000 explorers have attempted to row across the Atlantic in a barrel. The same number have given up and taken a Jumbo to meet lecture tour commitments.
  • Explorers are banned from shaving during expeditions under international law. Female explorers must wear false beards to comply with the legislation.
  • Norwegian Piers Hendersen became the first explorer to visit Disney World in Florida in June 2002.
  • In May 1927 Francois Merde became the youngest explorer never to have visited Antarctica. He was 37.
  • The average explorer expels 11,000,000 cubic gallons of hot air during a typical mid-morning talk show interview.
  • In July 1973 Timbuktu closed its city gates to all comers in an effort to keep out explorers.

(* from Brave but Boring, by E.P.Pondu, Chamberlain Press: 2003)







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