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Volume:1 Issue: 8 August 2003

Israeli 'Berlin Wall' blocks peace-map road

Harry looks happyFollowing The US government has urged Israel to re-think its plans to build a bloody massive wall to fence in the West Bank. The wall, parts of which have already been completed, is being described as a way to control suicide bombings. Israel said the wall was a necessary security measure and that construction would continue, unless of course the US started making 'more serious threats' to cut off funding - the usual situation in other words.

The US spokesman said that the wall, which will cut off some towns from cities and some farmers from their fields, was an obstacle 'similar to a large burnt-out tire from one of them big trucks on the Interstate in the middle lane', but that it was not immovable. In some of his harshest criticism of Israel to date, President Bush said: 'I think that walls are tall things that you can't climb and that usually don't have windows, so they block the view...unless of course they are glass walls or glass ceilings...but I'm against glass ceilings, especially for women and minorities, and glass walls too for that matter...they're evil.'

The Palestinians claim that the wall is merely another in a long series of land grabs and they point to the fact that some Israeli West Bank settlements will conveniently remain outside the wall and closer to the Motherland to be fully absorbed at some later point. They called it 'a new Berlin Wall' and demanded that it be torn down immediately.

The Israelis denied any similarities with the Berlin Wall, no matter how obvious they may be to even the casual observer. In fact, they denied any comparison with any wall whatsoever, especially those erected in Polish ghettos in World War II by the Nazis. The Israeli Defence Forces spokesman referred to it instead by its military acronym of NLTVCS, or Narrow Long Tall Vertical Concrete Structure.

The Israelis dismissed rumours that the next step in the plan involved building a roof over the entire West Bank to stop any missiles, mortars, RPGs or sharp stones from injuring Israeli citizens.

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By Max Ooberman

"I think that walls are tall things that you can't climb and that usually don't have windows, so they block the view..."
Saddam, bush, daughter, saddam tapes, saddam in hiding.
















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